samedi 26 décembre 2009

Season's greetings

Xmas card : editions Plaizier (Bruxelles)

mercredi 14 octobre 2009

Pochettes de disque

Petite sélection de pochettes dessinées dans les années 80 pour se rappeler le bon vieux temps des disques vinyles.
Some vinyl record covers made in the eighties.

Faire-part de naissance (Editions Plaizier)

mercredi 23 septembre 2009

Austin Grandmother Tasered at Traffic Stop

A 72-year-old woman was pulled over for speeding, then tazered and sent to jail. The lady says she drives to Austin about twice a month to do her shopping.
The police claim that after the grandma was stopped for driving 15 miles over the speed limit in a construction zone, she disobeyed an order to sign the speeding ticker, used profane language, and became “violent.” They say the officer who taserer her and took her to be booked for resisting arrest was completely justified.

Entertaining in a Downturn.

Management Today business illustration on organising a staff party with doom all around.

"Do say: ‘In the light of the economic situation we are going to carefully review money we spend on entertaining, to ensure it is effective and essential to the business.’

Don’t say: ‘You are invited to our grand Credit Crunch Ball. Dress code: Thirties-style Depression.’"

Alexander Garrett

jeudi 23 juillet 2009

Exposition "Jacques Tati and Friends"

En écho à la fascinante modernité rétro de la villa Arpel, j'ai trouvé amusant d'imaginer une pochette de disque très "fifties" dans le genre "Dansons avec Jacques Tati et son Orchestre". Le personnage de la “voisine” est très marrant à dessiner, c’est d’ailleurs mon préféré dans le film.

L’exposition “Tati and Friends” aura lieu à la Seed Factory en janvier 2010.

mardi 19 mai 2009

Today in English : Flying Pigs

News from Texas, USA.
Texans may soon be allowed to hunt wild pigs from helicopters.
The measure was proposed in response to complaints about the destruction caused by two million wild pigs.
Agriculture experts estimate that $52 million a year of crop damage is caused by the beasts but not everyone is happy about citizens taking to the air with hunting rifles !

London Magazine : "Rude Londoners"

Three illustrations for a feature by Nick Curtis on rude Londoners : angry drivers and lazy, uninterested Shop Assistants.

mercredi 22 avril 2009

Stage fright discomfort

A few months ago I was asked to propose some ideas for an advertising campain on bowels dysfunction.
I came up with that proposal on stage fright discomfort. At first the client was interested but the illustration was eventually killed because it sounded too strong (even for the young male readers of Esquire magazine in which the advert was to be published).

jeudi 16 avril 2009

Bibendum & Co

La Maison de l'Image chez Seed Factory (19 avenue des Volontaires à Bruxelles)

organise une exposition sur les mascottes publicitaires. Plus de 80 illustrateurs

rendent hommage au personnage de leur choix.

L'exposition est ouverte au public à partir du 4 mai jusqu'au 31 août 2009,

du lundi au vendredi de 9 à 18 heures (fermé les sam., dim., et jours fériés).

jeudi 5 mars 2009

How to be Bald (The Guardian)

Pour illustrer un article sur les greffes de cheveux par implants capillaires.

mercredi 25 février 2009

Game Characters

In 2006, Richard Hood asked me to draw a series of monthly illustrations for the magazine XboxWorld 360 (Future Publishing). The section was entitled "Great Game Characters for hard Cash". They were characters that the editorial staff made up each month, put on a plain background and annotated.

dimanche 15 février 2009

Belgian Way of Life

Back in 1989 I started to work on a serie of images about the Belgian way of life. I was very enthusiastic about the first images I came up with. Unfortunately, I couldn't find the time to draw enough material to set up an exhibition.
Nevermind, I've just put this one in colors (they were only in black & white) and it's called "Les Joies du Camping".


mardi 3 février 2009

Queen Elisabeth gets beer by mistake.

The beer arrived at the Queen’s residence at Windsor Castle, but it was intended for a pub with the same name, so fans had to wait for it.

I did two proposals : dancing and sitting and the AD chose the sitting Queen which was my favorite as well.

Client : Editions Bayard (Paris). "Today in English" Magazine